Taken from Scientific American, Building Edition. February 1895.
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The engravings and floor plans presented on page 26 illustrate a residence recently completed for Louis F. Newman, Esq., at Forest Park, Springfield, Mass.
The building is two and one-half stories, and the exterior is a combination of the Colonial style with French chateau features. It has many novel and picturesque effects. The underpinning is built of brick. The first story is clapboarded, and the second and third are shingled. The colors are Indian reds, darkened, with ivory white relief, and the brickwork is painted to harmonize with the building above.
Dimensions: Front, 31 ft. 6 in.; side, 41 ft., not including piazza. Height of ceilings: Cellar, 7 ft.; first story, 9 ft. 6 in.; second, 8 ft. 6 in.; third, 8 ft.
Upon passing through the vestibule with carved oak doors, you enter the library, or living room, which is trimmed with mahogany. The ceiling is paneled with mahogany beams of the German Baronial period. In the bay window recess is the fireplace, built of Perth Amboy enameled green brick, with French-tiled hearth and mantelshelf. This recess or nook has paneled seats, and is separated by an archway, with effective grillework in mahogany, and over the arched door leading from the library to the drawing-room is a dental course of ornamentation in the same wood. The gas fixtures and dog-irons are of wrought iron and artistic in design.
The oaken staircase, leading up to the second floor, is lighted by a stained-glass window. The parlor is treated in white and gold in a deli ate manner. The walls are covered with lincrusta, of cream ivory tints. The dining-room is treated in rococo style with oakwood work, and the color scheme is green and gold. The wall ornamentation is in bold figures, while the ceiling is ornamented with emblazoned shields bearing the bee and lion of Napoleon. The floors throughout are laid with oak. The china closet is fitted up with shelves, drawers and cupboards. The kitchen is also conveniently located, and all the arrangements are adapted to produce the maximum of results with a minimum of labor.
The second floor is treated in colors. The second floor contains four bedrooms, large closets and bathroom. The latter is finished in blue and white, English glazed tiling, and woodwork of mahogany. The fixtures are set in Tennessee marble, with brass furnishings.
Servant's room and storage on third floor. Cemented cellar contains furnace, laundry and other apartments.
Mr. Louis F. Newman, Architect, 23 Elm street, Springfield, Mass.
Our engravings were made direct from photographs of the building taken especially for the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN.
Note: This house is at 70 Firglade Ave.